In a Power Move That Failed…..
Mayor de Blasio overstepping his authority had signed an Emergency Executive Order six days ago, to null and void the argument regarding virtual vs. in-person hearings.

During the court hearing on the 960 Franklin Ave rezoning the Judge refused to consider this order which expired yesterday and decided to uphold the Temporary Restraining Order “TRO”, stopping the ULURP process.  Below are few additional details:

The ULURP Clock has stopped on this rezoning application.

Parties will create a new TRO order, which clearly prohibits conducting of any official hearings and voting officially on the 960 Franklin Ave rezoning Project.

The City, working with Community Board 9 “CB9”, will find a location to conduct “safe” social distancing space in order for residents who want to attend the hearing but do not have WiFi, high speed internet or up to date equipment to participate.

Petitioners will engage in non internet outreach to the community. i.e. handing out fliers etc…

The hearing/meeting (the Judge did not care what it was called, to her it was a “mess”) that was conducted on February 24, 2021, which had a 100-person capacity, leaving hundreds of people “out in the cold”, should be done over.

All future dates for meetings/hearings must take into consideration the holidays coming up including Passover and Easter.

Petitioners will resubmit their arguments surrounding missing documents in a brief with exhibits displayed separately.

This was a major win for the community.  Because it appeared that the City wanted to just zoom through the community without giving everyone a chance to attend the hearings and be able to comment on this project. We promise to keep you informed and let you know when CB9 begins to engage in meetings regarding the 960 Franklin Ave rezoning.

This should also give Community Board 9 an opportunity to provide more information to the community about this project, instead of depending upon the developers!


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