*“I’m kind of shocked to be attending my first community board meeting [Community Board 9 in Brooklyn] to see someone come and clearly stand on a political platform and then so many voices here silenced.”

*The comments above  and below were done by a community resident who attended for the first time, CB’s Public Safety  virtual meeting on June 11, 2020, where Political Candidate Chaim Deutsch running for Congress, was given a political platform despite a very racist and offensive ad being put out by him to divide and instill fear in the community.

Dear Fred Baptist Chairman of Community Board 9
As people all over the world are right now fighting for Black people in America; to be respected, for our voices to be heard, for our lives to be valued, for our oppression to be stopped,  your political stance to conduct business as usual; to allow the continued racist and oppressive nature of a few in our community to dominate; to ensure their power stays in place and Black people continue to be at the bottom of the economic and political structure is a slap in our face!

Shame! Shame! Shame!

You should be ashamed of yourself, for how you described Community Board 9 in Brooklyn Public Safety Committee meeting which happened on Thursday, June 11, 2020 *“as a difficult discussion that we need to keep having” as if there were any true dialogue, participation from the community and various voices heard.

You stood by while Rabbi Yaacov Behrman used our meeting to not only produce a political campaigner, Chaim Deutsch who did a political speech but who has never before attended any of our meetings, who is not our elected official in our district and who has produced one of the most offensive, racist and anti-black ads the community has ever seen! https://www.kingscountypolitics.com/deutschs-campaign-plays-to-jewish-black-divide/

“I found that ad to be incredibly anti-Black and racist.  It was offensive to me and I know many other people found it was offensive.”
Chairman Fred Baptist you watched as Rabbi Yaacov completely ignored the many “hands” that were raised requesting to be heard and the “chat” area where people were demanding to be heard.  Rabbi Yaacov used his mute button to silence any dissenting person who did not follow his view point and paraded in front of the entire community; a police officer, Vincent Martinos, who lied by omission the arrests of residents on their own property that occurred June 5, 2020; a sell-out, Jeffrey Davis, who described our Black youth as criminals that we are all afraid of; and the producer of a racist ad, Chaim Deutsch, who described in his political ad Black Lives Matter protesters as “looters”!

You should be ashamed that your own political aspirations have allowed you to ignored the community’s fundamental rights to be heard, to voice our own opinions and to have our community board address our needs, not the needs of its board members to push their own political agenda for profit or gain.

You should be ashamed of yourself for you have also been a victim of these same entities cutting you short, not letting you speak, when you were just a community board member and Rabbi Goldstein was Chair and in power.

We the people demand better, we demand a right to be heard, we demand a right for our needs to be addressed and we will not stop until our demands are met.

Alicia Boyd
The Movement To Protect The People

“And I’m kind of stunned at what has taken place here so far and honestly a little bit hurt as well by the platform given to someone [who has] done such an offensive [act against] the Black community.” 
Community Board 9 Safety Committee Meeting Video Notes which Occurred on June 11, 2020 via Zoom  Directions:
Below are short descriptions written about what occurred during the meeting followed by the time in which you can find that discussion.71st Precinct officer Vincent Martinos, never discussed the issue of the men that were arrested on June 5, 2020 or the racist slurs that were done in their ears as they were being arrested.
41:00 minutes into video.———————————-
Below are the many times that Alicia Boyd and Maxine Barnes were attempting to be heard by waving their hands during the video. You will also see both Barnes and Boyd looking down during these times as well, as they were typing within the “Chat” area, voicing their request to be allowed to speak, to ask questions etc..54:25;  57:00; 57:15; 57:22; 101:22; 1:03:00; 105:27; and 1:24:25———————————–
You can also see the Chairperson Rabbi  Yaacov reading the chats as he moves his head away from the video camera and engages in reading the chat.
55:30; 56:09; 55:24; 57:00; and 101:22——————————————–
At this point Rabbi Yaacov  states he doesn’t see any raised hands, so he refused to call on anyone to make any statements or comments to Chaim Deutsch prepared campaign speech, except to his chosen members that came to support Deutsch.
107:35 ———————————————-
Then in reaction to folks clearly stating in the chats and seeing both Barnes and Boyd raising their hand within the video, Rabbie Yaacov states: He is not going to call on anyone because no hands are raised within the Zoom platform
1:08:00. —————————————— Rashida a committee member asked Chaim (after Chaim Deutsch has discussed his political platform and all he plans on what he is doing and all he has done), if he is going to have a debate with the other candidates. The Chairman Rabbi Yaacov then mutes her stating that no political campaigning will be done at the Community Board, as if what we have just experience wasn’t political campaigning, especially since Chaim Deutsch never reference any work he has done in our community, any outreach he has done at our community board etc…
1:07: 40——————————————–
A resident states clearly that Ms. Boyd has been attempting to speak and asking if she will be allowed to speak.
1:14:16 —————————————–
At this point the former District leader who gave up his office under shady dealingsJeffrey Davis, is given a Pro-cop platform the same position that Chaim Deutsch took in his racist and separatist ad.Jeffry states the Police should not be defunded.
1:16:20 —————————————————-
A resident takes her turn and tries to give instructions on how to use the “hand” within the Zoom Platform, because it was clear during the  “Chat” that a lot of people were being denied an opportunity to speak and/or ask questions.
1:17:30 ———————————————
The Chairman Yacovv, who also has a pro-cop position seeks Davis’ “opinion” because he also doesn’t agree with defunding the police.
—————————————-Davis states more money should be put into the police department.
1:19:25 —————————————-
Ms. Boyd is finally allowed to speak, She describes the Ad that Councilman Deutsch put out as racist.
Rabbi Yacovv interrupts her speaking stating she called Councilman Deutsch racist which wasn’t true.
Then she addresses the need to understand why riots and violence has occurred via the BLM movement, at which time the Chair mutes her, because he disagrees with the idea of rioting and refusing to allow the community to discuss the Why of them.
1:19:54 ————————————–
Jeffrey comes back on describing our youth as criminals and how crime is up, despite Officer Vincent just a few minutes before saying it as at an all time low!
1:23:45 —————————————Below is a Community Resident Comment. “… I found that ad to be incredibly anti-Black and racist.  It was offensive to me and I know many other people it was offensive and I’m kind of shocked to be attending my first community board meeting to see someone come clearly and stand on a political platform and then to many voices here silenced.I’m appreciative of the opportunity to speak but I hope there can be greater representation in the future of community board meetings. And I’m kind of stunned at what has taken place here so far and honestly a little bit hurt as well by the platform given to someone done such an offensive the black community.”

Rabbi Yaacov responds by lying and saying that he has allowed people who have raised their hands when right at that moment there were about six raised hands within the Zoom platform that he was ignoring.  Instead of calling on these folks and letting them speak, he says the meeting is about to end and he allows Chairman of the Community Board Fred Baptist to speak.
Chairman Fred Baptist praises the chair and says that he is “committed” to these type of difficult discussions!  
1: 27:59.

The meeting then ends!

Categories: Eyes on CB9


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