Click here to watch a Video Clip of the Action 

Imagine a world in which construction workers employed by developers empowered by the Department of Buildings roll into a neighborhood under the cover of darkness. And then in broad daylight break a legally obtained temporary restraining order. And then are protected by the NYPD. Well, we don’t have to imagine because……………..
The first truck came roaring into our neighborhood at 1:30 am. Followed by three more, all before 5:00 am. I wonder if this would be allowed to happen in Park Slope or Brooklyn Heights.
Some of us went out to protest the illegal work that was being done at 931 Carroll Street. Between our community and the machines of gentrification and colonization, you will find us.
Because we have a valid TRO (temporary restraining order) and the construction workers wouldn’t listen to us and stop the work, we did what every law-abiding citizen should do when someone is breaking the law. We called the police.
We showed the NYPD LT. our paperwork. And put him on the phone with Justice Reginald A. Boddie’s office. We thought they would recognize our valid TRO and tell the workers to stop and close the site.
Nope. After about two hours of back-and-forth and constantly asking us to produce more and more evidence, which we produced every time. They decided to side with the developers and told us that we had no right to interfere with the illegal construction work in our neighborhood.
They Started Arresting Us!
Five In Total
And then the NYPD stood by and watched as the workers continued to break the law.
And cleared a path so that they could leave with the evidence of their dirty deeds.
I’ve lived in Brooklyn and Crown Heights for a long time and I’ve never seen anything like this before. But at least now we know that the DOB and the NYPD will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with developers as they continue to carve up our neighborhood. Now I’d like to know where our elected officials stand.
What does State Senator Kevin Parker think about this?

What does Assemblymember Walter Mosley think about this ? But, to be fair, he has at least spoken with us, sent staffers to our last court hearing and this morning’s protest.
What does Majority Leader Laurie Cumbo think about this?
It’s time for them to speak up on the record in public and stand up for the community that voted them into office.

Please come out and support us.

Tuesday, January 21st, 9:30 am
Brooklyn Supreme Court
360 Adams St 
Courtroom 456

thank you,

Michael Hollingsworth
Organizing Committee
Crown Heights Tenant Union
Solidarity Through Action

p.s. that 2021 open city council seat in District 35 is looking more and more appealing every day