Violations of Law and Procedure by Brooklyn’s Community Board 9… a few of many
On Sept. 23, 2014 a Resolution to “Rescind the Resolution [March 25, 2014 resolution], and refer the matter back to the Land Use [ULURP] committee for reconsideration.” was passed, with a vote of 18 yes, 9 no, 8 abstentions. Since that time, CB9 Executive Board has not referred this matter back to the Land Use committee! Since this is the decision of the board, the Chairperson is suppose to act upon it.
New York City Charter, § 2801 b. and By-Laws of Community Board 9 , Section 9.4
“Whenever any act is authorized to be done or any determination or decision made by any community board, the act, determination or decision of the majority of the members present entitled to vote during the presence of a quorum, shall be held to be the act, determination or decision of such board.”
It is believed that District Manager Pearl Miles falsified voting records by recording two voters, who were present and voted yes, as being absent in order to circumvent the legal passing of the rescission of the March 25 resolution for a zoning study.
New York City Charter § 1116. Fraud; neglect of duty; willful violation of law relative to office.
Any officer or employee who shall knowingly make a false or deceptive report or statement in the course of office or employment, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, forfeit office or employment.