It appears that not only is MTOPP voicing disapproval of Crystal Hudson and her polices, but others are as well.
It has been noted that several flyers have gone up in the community labeled “Greed” and “Scam Artist”, with City Councilperson Crystal Hudson name and face on it. (See above image.) The main complaint seems to be her attack on her district’s public green spaces and the affordability scam that is being played out via rezonings.
What we have seen is that Crystal Hudson has been approving and supporting development after development, with no true affordability and a destruction of our public green spaces.
We are facing serious climate changes: including fires in Canada and California, storms and tornadoes, snow in Florida, and hurricane weather causing floods in NYC. Instead of protecting the little bit of green space we have in this concrete jungle, Hudson continues to allow developers to use these public assets as money making ventures.
Then on the flip side as she proclaims to want to house the most vulnerable populations in her district, she has been agreeing to rezonings that provide “affordable” housing to single people making $141,000 a year according to the flyer.
We have personally seen these “affordable” housing targets and it is a scam! How can a studio apartments starting at $3,100 a month in anyway address our affordability crisis? Politicians like her will continue to advocate for these targets and then brag about how they are helping the people!
Also lets not forget that Hudson supported and voted for the City of Yes, which includes allowing developers not to have to provide any parking, so when you arrive home and can’t find a parking space because the developer of a 500 plus luxury apartment building hasn’t built any parking, don’t forget to thank Crystal.